Paul Briƫrley

Timetable Contact Tracing

With students coming back over the coming weeks and omicron still circulating, it's likely that university timetablers will be seeing more and more data requests to help with contact tracing.

I've developed a couple of tools here at UoM which other users of Scientia's Syllabus+ timetabling system may find useful.

The first is an Excel macro / COM tool which takes a list of students and determines whether or not they were in the same activities - useful for helping determine whether clusters of infections are related.

The other two are SSRS reports for Scientia Report Manager - provide them with a date range and a student ID and they will give you all the staff and students who shared a room with a specific individual between two dates and times.

I've stuck the report files and VBA code in a Github repository for anyone who wants them, along with some guidance on how they can be used. Use at your own risk, caveat emptor etc. but hopefully there's something here which might save some of you some time and effort. Drop me a line if you've got any questions.

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